new age charlie brown?
new age charlie brown?
I laughed
and drool came out of my mouth. thanks.
This really reminds me
Of Half-Life: Hull Life Consequences. Look it up on youtube. It's the same Idea. Terrible fan-fic of Half-life with horrific grammar. It's hilarious.
Seen it. Loved it. Unrelated. Try to keep your reviews MOSTLY relevant to the content, man. Thanks for the 10, sure, but I can't use this, so it's useless.
I have no words for how awesome this is..
For those of you wondering...
The music that plays during the "acid" one is called Strung Out by Bar 9: yGvrU
you're welcome.
Awww probesito Astromiau!
Primero, desculpes para mi gramatica malo. Soy americano XD Segundo, PORFAVOR PARA TODO QUE SER SANTA, HACE MAS! Tercero, si necesito mas musica para tus animaciones, envia un PM a mi. Megusta tu trabajo mucho. Hace mas animaciones spectaculares!
I knew it would be pulled from youtube...
Still hilarious though. Any specific reason why it was pulled from youtube? was it the nipple planet? XD
the guy in the top hat sounded like the grandpa from tarboy. am I right to assume its the same actor?
Christmas in july!!
pretty funny. why submit it now though lol?
Well, these episodes are all old, and this was the next one in line. I like to stay organized, but I guess it takes a back seat to relevance, understandably. Lesson learned.
Music and art are my homeboys...
Age 31, Male
Joined on 3/11/09